Primal Services


We are human movement experts that have an array of knowledge and tools to identify movement dysfunction and provide the necessary stimulus to create lasting and beneficial changes to the human body. Whether you’re recovering from a surgery, dealing with shoulder pain, or experiencing a decline/loss of function –Physical Therapy is right for you!

We’re committed to our athletes from day one and help provide them with the confidence that the rehabilitation process will not only help them recover from their existing injury, but also become a better athlete by identifying and treating movement pattern dysfunction throughout the rehabilitation process.

Clinically, dry needling has been useful for patients that have been dealing with chronic pain, nagging muscle spasms/aches, limited mobility, decline in function/performance, and those that have trouble sleeping or maintaining sustained postures due to pain.

This program is for individuals of all ages/skill levels to develop their basketball game and raise it to the next level.

The Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) is dedicated to helping golfers across the globe achieve an efficient golf swing, and help correct faulty mechanics that are leading to pain responses that eventually can lead to tissue breakdown and subsequent injury.


Biomechanical Screen and Dynamic Movement Assessment

Part of what makes Primal Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine, Inc. unique is that we offer a free 30-minute biomechanical screen and dynamic movement assessment to help identify limitations, any potential risk factors for injury, and help patients feel and recognize where their instabilities/dysfunctional movement is coming from.

Performing the SFMA assessment, combined with a dynamic movement and stability assessment, will provide a comprehensive snapshot of how the individual is moving a particular way. The intention of the assessment is to help each individual realize their areas for potential growth/change, and how we as clinicians, will be able to guide them to reaching their goals and optimizing their movement patterns. Once this assessment is completed, a plan of care can be developed and executed by the expert level clinician.
